
Acupuncture can be highly effective in reducing chronic pain. Many common foot conditions fall into this category. Stan is certified to administer acupuncture and has found traditional techniques to be extremely effective in relieving lower limb pain. We treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis (heel pain), Morton’s neuroma (a common form of forefoot pain) and achilles tendonitis.

In certain circumstances, acupuncture may be administered in conjunction with other treatments. For example, prescription orthotic therapy and acupuncture complement each other well in the treatment of debilitating heel pain.

Acupuncture is often particularly effective in cases that have failed to respond to other treatment regimes.

If you feel acupuncture might be right for you, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. We are happy to provide free advice and to discuss your case via email or on the telephone.

For more information on the costs associated with your treatment have a look at our Prices.